Ivy, founder of Ayurveda for Radiant Health,
offers you a full range of traditional Ayurvedic services with a high-vibrational approach to superior nutrition.
" I love working creatively with clients, fine-tuning just the right program that brings maximum benefit for each person."

food for thought...
"Discovering our own true nature as pure consciousness is the ultimate medicine. This infinite, unchanging Self exists beyond health and dis-ease.
Based on this truth, I find great joy in Ayurveda as it is a science that may help us come a little closer to the realization that we are that Absolute Self. Having a healthy balanced body makes Self-discovery easier. After all, the final goal of Ayurveda is Moksha, liberation."
a little background....
Ivy Amar was certified in Ayurveda in 1987 by Dr. Vasant Lad at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico where she was a Panchakarma therapist in the Institute’s Wellness Center. In 1988 in Nagpur, India, she became the first western student of Dr. Sunil Joshi with whom she trained extensively in Panchakarma Therapy.
In 1989 Ivy opened The Ayurveda Center of Santa Fe to offer Panchakarma and teach Ayurvedic principles of health and nutrition. Ivy returned to Mumbai, India in 1990 where she received training in pulse diagnosis with Drs. Pankaj and Smita Naram. In 1994 she created Ayurveda at Spirit Rest, a residential retreat center for Panchakarma in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. With over 30 years in the the field, Ayurveda for Radiant Health is the private practice Ivy now maintains in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
In addition to Panchakarma, Ivy provides supportive methods of investigating the mind’s role in relation to dis-ease. She has extensive background in Living Essence Counseling, is a graduate of Byron Katie’s The School for the Work, and a Certified Practitioner of The Body Code, a powerful method to identify and release emotional baggage.

Hours: by appointment only.
Contact Information:
Ivy Amar
Ayurveda for Radiant Health
4436 Chamisa Path Rd.
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507